SNES games emulator
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Sep 30th, 2001 - _Demo_
ZSNES v1.337 has been released after almost 4 years since ZSNES first public release. It is dedicated to zsKnight and his family.

stainless is now an assistant coder.
Aug 9th, 2001 - _Demo_
After problems with digitalsea, we are now hosted by csoft.

We will try to update the site with things that were done after our most recent backup in the next few days and we will also install the message board.
Jul 23rd, 2001 - zsKnight
(slightly updated for clarification)

I'm sorry to say this, but this marks my permanent leave from the ZSNES project, anything related to this, and emulation overall. The reason why is that my dad just passed away today (he died in his sleep, which is strange since he was perfectly healthy yesterday night), so I'm going to have to spend more of my energy devoted to helping my family. My dad is also the main person who provides the finances to the family (since my mom doesn't work), plus I still have about 2 more years to go before I graduate from university, so my immediate future doesn't look that great because with my dad gone, that would mean that I need to put up more responsibility towards taking care of the family instead of studying. But I just hope that everything will go well. Thanks to all you supporters for everything. Sorry for the lack of a proper goodbye though, so I'll probably update once more after I get out of this shock in another day.

- zsKnight
Jul 12th, 2001 - pagefault
Yes we are still here. You might be wondering why he have stopped our almost weekly releases of ZSNES. Well the reason is the ZSNES team has been taking some time off recently from the project to focus on other issues like life. But we are still here and will start working on ZSNES once again next week. Currently there is no ETA for the next version but we want the next version to be a quality release with as little bugs as possible so just hang in there. There are many cool new features planned for the next version of ZSNES so it will be worth the wait. In the meantime, why not check out the message board and chat with fellow ZSNES users.
Jun 28th, 2001 - pagefault
It seems we are currently having some server problems, if you are having problems accessing the page you should try again later when things get cleared up. With that said it appears the 1.31 release we did last night had a few bugs in it. We are aware of these bugs and will release 1.31b to resolve them once the server issues are resolved.
Jun 27th, 2001 - pagefault
The wait is over! ZSNES 1.31 has been released, you can download it from the files page. This release includes a new text file called BUGINFO.TXT. This file contains important information if you wish to submit a bug report to the bug tracker. Please read it carefully as it helps us better understand the bugs that get submitted to us. The Linux port of ZSNES will follow in a few days.
Jun 24th, 2001 - pagefault
Just wanted to let everyone know that ZSNES 1.31 is coming along nicely, and remember if you ever want to chat with us you can join the official ZSNES channel, #zsnes on EFNET or the official ZSNES message board channel #zsnesboard.
Jun 22nd, 2001 - hpsolo
The ZSNES homepage gets a facelift! Hope you all like the new design. I felt sorry for pagefault, so I thought I'd do some PHP coding to help him out with the page updates.
May 28th, 2001 - zsKnight
Below are some pictures of the current screenshots for Star Ocean. These screenshots are only here to give you an idea of the progress on emulating this ROM. There is no ETA for Star Ocean support, so please do not ask. People are working on it as best they can!
May 1st, 2001 - zsKnight
The Linux port (ZSNES v1.20) is released.
Apr 27th, 2001 - zsKnight
zsKnight, theoddone33, pagefault, and teuf have worked together to get:
Apr 5th, 2001 - zsKnight
We've recently found out that there were some problems with the currently uploaded source codes, where some of the files got corrupted right before they were uploaded. It should be fixed now, so anyone who wasn't able to compile the sources right can re-download the sources. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Apr 2nd, 2001 - zsKnight
The ZSNES Sources have finally been released in the CVS repository of the sourceforge page. We also would like to welcome Teuf as a member of the ZSNES team as an assistant coder! He's helped us with quite a lot in the past while, including (but not limited to) setting up the Source Forge page, helping us to write the open source documentation, fixing up the ZSNES sources to not require a custom version of nasm, organizing the sources into directories, modifying the make file, etc. With the sources released, we also hope to release an updated binary soon. Click on the Sourceforge link on the left side of the screen to access the sources. The sources will also be available in a ZIP file for those who don't want to use CVS.
Jan 20th, 2001 - zsKnight
Although ZSNES' Source Code hasn't been released yet, I've setup a new message board for the purpose of this. The board script that this board is using is ikonboard, which is the same board script that ePSXe.com uses, which requires user e-mail registration. Anyways, I've started a couple of posts in that board. One is related to how you want to see ZSNES Open Source to proceed (I'd recommend the developers to answer this one), and another one which asks for a new logo for the board. I was also thinking of maybe converting the old message board to the new format, however, I might end up adding a 'General Chat' forum for off-topic posts instead and leave the old board for technical questions, unless I hear lots of objections to it. You can visit the ZSNES Developer's Board here.

Some more good news. Dark Force, John Weidman, and I have gotten some more progress on S-DD1 emulation, specifically on Star Ocean. However, this is still early and the encryption and compression techniques of the S-DD1 still proves to be very difficult to figure out. Visit DeJap Translations for the full scoop and screenshots!
Dec 27th, 2000 - zsKnight
A nasty bug has crept into the DOS version in the 8-bit video modes, so a fixed version (v1.17b) is released (it has the same filename as v1.17 so just overwrite it). There is also a small feature that was added to the windows port a while ago, but we just forgot to tell you about it. Basically, it allows you to start-up netplay from the commandline, so for those who are both willing and interested, you can code a battle.net type software (or configure existing software) for zsnesw's netplay. Basically, it works like this:
Commandline: /ABCDE (nickname) (fname) (IP Addy)

(nickname) = user nickname
(fname) = filename w/ full path (if L) or path name (if C)
(IP Addy) = IP Address (Client Only)
A = U (UDP - Recommended if works), T (TCP/IP - Slower, but more compatible)
B = S (Server), C (Client)
C = C (Chat first), L (load game first)
D = N (Stay in ZSNESw after disconnect), Q (Quit after disconnect)
E = # of connections (Keep it 2 for now)
eg: ZSNESW /UCCN2 nickname d:\snesroms

As for problems with the windows port, below are some of the ones we know. The following are problems that many people are reporting as well as their solutions:
  • Corrupt box with windows freezing - Solution: Change the desktop video mode to either 16bit(65536) or 32bit color
  • Windows Crash with DInput.dll error - Solution: Install the latest DirectX at http://www.microsoft.com/directx
  • Sound sounding like 8bit instead of 16bit - Solution: Install the latest sound drivers for your sound card
The following are problems with no solution (so far):
  • Slow performance with 3DFX cards - Definitely a problem, although this might have to wait for open source to be fixed since neither of us have 3DFX cards.
  • Slow performance with certain joysticks - Not sure if this is related with the joystick drivers or ZSNESw.
As for open source, preparation has begun, but there might be just one more release before that happens. And what about S-DD1 emulation for Star Ocean/SFA2? Well. All I can say is that I can't see it coming in the near future since the obstacle that's in our way isn't exactly what we specialize in.
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